INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY: The materials and information on this website are intended for informational and educational purposes only and may not reflect the most current legal developments. Any information provided (including, but not limited to: digital content, website, blog, podcasts, events, social media content, webinars, and other cotent) is provided for general ifnormational purposes only and does not cosntitue prfoessional advice. Therefore it is not guaranteed to be accurate, complete, reliable, current or error-free. Therefore, please use at your own risk. These resources are not intended to provide legal advice or address all circumstances that might arise. Please consult with a Attorney, Licensed CPA, Tax attorney, Real estate attorney, Licensed contractor/trade, a NMLS Licensed Lender, or other licensed professional.. Only your individual attorney, tax advisor, lender, or realtor who you have signed a written agreement with can provide you with specific advice relating to your personal situation.